Budget Highlights & Engagement

On this webpage, find key budget highlights, a list of important dates, frequently asked questions, tax rates by service, how to understand your property tax notice, services provided by each level of government, and provide your feedback.

2024 Budget Highlights

The 2024 TNRD budget includes 124 services within 10 Electoral Areas and 11 Member Municipalities. Key highlights are listed below.

Increase of $2.1 million (8.3%) compared to 2023, for a total tax requisition amount of $27.2 million in 2024.

Due to new growth in the TNRD, due to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, there is a larger property base that the tax requisition is spread across compared to 2023. This means that while the tax requisition increase is 8.3% in 2024, many property owners will see a lower-percentage increase or a decrease in taxes owing this year, depending on assessed value of their property.

Contributing factors to the tax requisition increase include:

Other Information: 

    • Due to the state of the economy, inflationary cost increases of 3% are generally being applied for goods and services.
    • A modest overall increase of 1% in staff wages across the organization.
    • Many intentional cost reductions have been achieved to ensure that costs being budgeted for are meeting requirements.

2024 General Operating Revenues: $62.74 million

Revenue sources include:

  • Taxation (43%)
  • Municipal Debt Funding (21%)
    • Note: This portion of the budget ($13 million) is fully covered by offsetting fees.
  • Grant funding (10%)
  • Surpluses (7%)
  • Reserve Funds (4%)
  • Other (4%)

2024 Utility Services Revenues: $2.43 million

 Other Information:

    • Revenues can only be spent on services that funds are collected for.
    • Due to the state of the economy and inflation, large increases are being observed in contracts and cost of good and services. 
    • Revenues such as surplus, carryforward amounts from previous years, and reserve fund contributions will decline in 2024 compared to previous years. This decrease is forcing an overall increase in the amount of taxation required to support services. This change is a direct impact of high inflation and increasing operational costs of goods and services.
      • Significant changes to revenues and expenses by department are well explained on Page 16 of the 2024 Draft Budget Package (Page 33 of PDF document), which was presented at the November 8, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting.

The 2024-2028 Capital Plan was approved by the TNRD Board of Directors on December 14, 2023.

Total capital costs are $11.51 million (Capital Plan) and $9.27 (Utilities Capital Plan)

    • Revenue sources for 2024 Capital Plan includes reserves, grants, borrowing, and donations specific for the Loon Lake Fire Hall.
    • Revenue sources for the 2024 Utilities Capital Plan includes grant funds and reserve funds.
      • Reserve funds for TNRD utility systems can only be contributed by utility customers and funds must stay within each specific system, which results in capital upgrades for TNRD utilities being heavily reliant on grant funding.

Significant capital projects budgeted for in 2024 include:

  • Pritchard Water Treatment Plant ($6.15 million)*;
  • Pritchard Wastewater Treatment Plant ($2.15 million);
  • Monte Creek Fire Hall ($1.55 million);
  • TNRD Regional Fire Departments Next-Generation 9-1-1 Upgrade ($1.50 million)
  • Lower Nicola Eco-Depot Building Rebuild and New Recycling Baler ($960,000);
  • Monte Creek Pumper Truck ($700,000);
  • Clearwater Library Upgrade ($350,000);
  • Smith Pioneer Park Improvements ($290,000); and
  • Blackpool Fire Rescue Replacement Wildland Truck ($250,000).

* $1.41 million approved in 2024 Capital budget for Pritchard Water Treatment Plant, and $4.74 million previously approved in 2023 Capital budget has not yet been spent.

Other Information: 

    • For the first time in 2024, the TNRD Five-Year Capital Plan has been moved into a separate financial statement from the Operational Plan, resulting in considerable improvements in staff’s ability to present financial information.
    • The Capital Plan includes reducing borrowing costs in 2024, removing direct taxation from capital revenues, and a reduction in grant funds budgeted for capital projects.

Updated March 21, 2024

Important Dates

As required in the Local Government Act, the 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw must be adopted by March 31, 2024.

March 21, 2024: Regular Board of Directors Meeting: Adoption of the 2024-2028 Financial Plan

December 14, 2023: Regular Board of Directors Meeting: Board Approves Provisional 2024-2028 Financial Plan

November 8, 2023: Special Committee of the Whole Meeting: Public Budget Workshop/ TNRD Department Presentations


Tax Rates by Service: Infographics

Using the dropdown list below, view the 2024 tax rates for each TNRD service by Electoral Area and Member Municipality.

Provide Your Feedback

Residents can give feedback or ask questions anytime about the TNRD budget, services, or taxation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers about the TNRD budget, property taxes, BC Assessment, utility services, and contracts.


Finance – General Inquiries:

Previous Budgets:

  • 125 Services within 10 Electoral Areas and 11 Member Municipalities, including local services (such as fire protection or water service), sub-regional services (such as garbage and recycling services or invasive plant management) and regional services (such as public libraries or general government administration).
  • Increase to operating expenditures. This is in large part due to an increase in service levels and cost increases due to inflation, as well as other less-significant factors.
  • Modest decrease in capital expenditures. This is due to planned capital project expenditures being slightly lower compared to 2022.
  • Despite increases in costs to provide services, residential landowners in many communities may pay less tax to the TNRD compared to 2022. This is due to a combination of factors, including new growth to spread amounts owing to a larger tax base. In 2023, the total taxation amount collected by the TNRD is $25.1 million, which represents a 7.05% increase from 2022, however, many residential landowners can expect to see a smaller increase or a slight reduction in property taxes owing.

Important Information & Dates

  • The draft 2023-2027 Financial Plan was brought to the Board of Directors for review during a public Committee of the Whole meeting on January 18, 2023. For convenience and accessibility, the recording of this meeting has been time-stamped and uploaded to the TNRD’s YouTube channel.

2023 Budget Meeting Dates

  • Thursday, December 15, 2022, 1:30 pm: Introduction of 2023-2027 Provisional Financial Plan
  • Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 1 pm: Public Budget Meeting and Workshop
  • Thursday, March 30, 2023, 1:30 pm: Adoption of 2023-2027 Financial Plan

The 2022-2026 Financial Plan was adopted by the TNRD Board on March 24, 2022. The plan budgets operational and capital revenues and expenses, and sets the tax requisition for the 2022 budget year.

  • 124 Services provided by the TNRD in 2022 (local, sub-regional or regional)
  • Total tax requisition of $23,445,474 in 2022
  • Total tax requisition in 2022 was 2.2% lower compared to 2015 

2022 Budget Highlights Continued

  • Operating expenditures are $37,927,699 in 2022, and $23,445,474 will be funded through property taxes
  • Represents a tax requisition increase of 3.4% compared to 2021. The tax requisition was reduced by nearly $400,000 in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic; as a result, the tax requisition in 2022 is only 1.6% greater than in 2020
  • The TNRD’s current tax requisition is $523,493 lower than in 2015

  • Changes in taxation in 2022 will differ for properties, depending on variables such as changes to assessed value, services provided to an area and changes to the number of properties that share funding for a particular service
  • Valuation for the Village of Lytton was taken into account in the current assessment data, which results in a
    significant decrease in taxes for those property owners and pushes a slightly higher tax burden onto other areas of the TNRD
  • A home with the average assessed value in Kamloops can expect to see an increase of $5.56, while the average home in Lytton can expect a decrease of $61.12
  • Properties in the nine other member municipalities can expect increases, on average, ranging from $10.41 in Clinton to $41.26 in Clearwater
  • Decreases can be expected, on average, of $7.16 in Electoral Area “B” and $6.82 in Electoral Area “I;” increases can be expected, for all other electoral areas, on average,  ranging from $6.91 in Area “E” to $93.54 in Area “N”
  • Capital projects planned for 2022 include construction of a new Eco-Depot in Cache Creek, other improvements to landfills and transfer stations, construction of a new Loon Lake fire hall, a replacement fire truck for the McLure Fire Department, upgrades to the Ashcroft Library, and improvements to the Civic Building
  • Some of the projects included in the capital plan that are 100% grant funded include additions to the Blackpool and Vavenby fire halls, renovations to the McLure Community Hall & Fire Hall and improvements to Smith-Pioneer Park
  • Budgets money for rebuilding the public library in Lytton (funded by insurance), constructing a new firehall in Tobiano, and initial costs for a proposed new public library in southwest Kamloops
  • Invests more than $15.3 million over five years into 11 drinking water systems and two wastewater utility systems, including construction a new well in Black Pines and a water treatment and filtration plant in Pritchard
  • Invests more than $35 million over five years into pubic safety, including fire protection, E-911 service, search and rescue, emergency preparedness, highway rescue, dangerous dog control and building standards
  • Invests more than $58 million over five years into solid waste collection facilities and recycling and landfills, including construction of a new Eco-Depot near Cache Creek
  • Invests more than $5.5 million over five years into invasive plant management and mosquito management in electoral areas and participating municipalities
  • Invests more than $3.3 million into community and regional parks, and more than $2.8 million into community halls and other recreational facilities
Services and Taxation Feedback

Services and Taxation Feedback Form

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