TNRD Responds to Vandalism at Smith Pioneer Park

Kamloops, BC – June 11, 2024 – The Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) is appealing to all users of Community Parks to respect these public spaces, following repeated acts of vandalism at Smith Pioneer Park in Lower Nicola, located in Electoral Area “M” (Beautiful Nicola Valley – North).

Smith Pioneer Park was targeted most recently on June 8 and 9, 2024. On June 8, mirrors were smashed in the men’s bathroom, a garbage can from the women’s bathroom was dumped into the men’s toilet, and bodily fluids were discharged on the floors and other areas. On June 9, the women’s bathroom had the mirror smashed and the stall doors dented. During both incidents, vandals also attempted to flood each of the washrooms.

Other significant acts of vandalism in Smith Pioneer Park occurred in April and May. In April, two picnic tables were damaged after fires were lit on each of the tables, and a fire was also made on one of the cement pads. In May, bathrooms were flooded, a fire was attempted to be lit on the park property, and cupboards were damaged at the concession.

Repair costs for vandalism at Smith Pioneer Park this year now exceed $1,000, which are funded by the annual operating budget. RCMP are investigating these vandalism incidents.

“If damage continues at Smith Pioneer Park, we may need to close our washroom facilities for an indefinite amount of time. This park is very well used in Lower Nicola, and closing washrooms would be an unfortunate consequence for the many park users who respect this space,” said Jo Kang, TNRD Community Services Coordinator. “Our community parks are assets that benefit everyone. It’s important that all visitors respect these spaces and follows simple rules that are in place.”

Users of all TNRD Community Parks are encouraged to report acts of vandalism to RCMP using the local non-emergency line. As part of TNRD Park Regulations Bylaw 2852 adopted by the TNRD Board on May 16, 2024, the TNRD has the authority to issue fines for offenses in Community Parks such as causing vandalism or other damage, starting a fire, smoking, and more.

About TNRD Community Parks

The TNRD owns and operates 10 Community Parks, 2 Regional Parks, the Agate Bay Boat Launch, and the Blue River Trail Network. To learn more about these park and recreation amenities, visit:

Media Contact:

Jo Kang, Community Services Coordinator
Thompson-Nicola Regional District
Tel.: 250 377-6301

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