Avola & Blue River Community Engagement

Learn about TNRD services in Electoral Area “B” (Thompson Headwaters), what’s in store, and get in touch with TNRD staff.

Upcoming Meetings:

TNRD staff hold bi-annual Community Meetings in Avola and Blue River to discuss local services. Dates and times of upcoming meetings are posted on this webpage, when available.

Previous Meeting Information:

Find service updates and presentation materials shared during Electoral Area “B” public engagement meetings and open houses.

TNRD staff held a community meeting in Blue River to discuss local services, property taxes, and projects, on May 8, 2024, at the Blue River Community Hall.

TNRD staff held open houses on October 11, 2023 at the Blue River Community Hall and on October 17, 2023 at the Avola Schoolhouse. TNRD staff presented a wide range of materials.

At each of these open houses, material was also available for review regarding Solid Waste and Recycling services within Electoral Area “B.”

Related Webpages:


TNRD Community Services

Tel.: 250 377-8673
Email: csadmin@tnrd.ca

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