Notice of Applications for Scrutineers (Vavenby Fire Protection Service Area Boundary Amendment)

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, qualified electors within Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) and Electoral Area “B” (Thompson Headwaters) of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) will be voting on the following question:

Are you in favour of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District adopting:

  • Bylaw No. 2857 for the purpose of amending the Vavenby Fire Protection Service Area to expand the fire protection boundary to include the provision of fire protection services in the community of Birch Island and adjacent properties with a maximum annual tax requisition for operating costs of $1.75 / $1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements.

Scrutineers for and and against the question must be appointed if applications are received from persons who wish to volunteer for the positions. If sufficient applications are received, one scutineer for the question and one scruinteer against the question will also be appointed to be present at the determination of the official results, and, if necessary, at a judicial recount.

Only persons who reside or own property with the proposed service area and are entitled to vote as electors on the question shown above are entitled to act as scrutineers.

Applications to act as a scrutineer will be received by the Chief Election Officer or designated person at the TNRD office, located at 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2A9, or via email to, between Thursday, August 1 and Monday, August 12, 2024, during regular office hours of Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm

Application forms are available at the office of the TNRD or may be requested by emailing

Interested persons can also obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making an application by contacting the Chief Election Officer, Greg Lowis, at 250-377-7051, or Deputy Chief Election Officer, Marnie Jeremiah, at 250-377-7065, or by emailing

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