Proposed Cherry Creek Fire Protection

The TNRD is gathering feedback whether or not Cherry Creek residents are in favour of moving forward with a formal public assent vote (referendum) on establishing fire protection service in the area. A public assent process would be required to enable the Tobiano Fire Protection Area to be expanded to include Cherry Creek, as well as for the maximum tax requisition to be set, and to approve borrowing for construction of a new fire hall. 

Background Information

July 27, 2022: TNRD staff held a virtual meeting via Zoom and an in-person meeting at the Cherry Creek Ranch. The purpose of these meetings was to provide key information about the proposed service. The same information was provided at both meetings. 

May 19, 2022: The TNRD Board of Directors approved a feasibility study for the expansion of the existing Tobiano Fire Protection Area to include Cherry Creek. The feasibility study was completed by Dave Mitchell & Associates Ltd. as of July 4, 2022, and a copy of the report is available for public inspection.

Information Video

View the full presentation by TNRD and question and answer with residents from July 27, 2022.

Map of Proposed Service Area

Number of properties within proposed service area: 327

Updated July 2022

Public Consultation

The TNRD created an online survey for Cherry Creek residents to provide feedback on the proposed fire protection service expansion. This survey was open between July 27 and August 7, 2022. 


TNRD Fire Protection Services

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