
Asbestos containing material is accepted at two TNRD solid waste facilities:

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos represents a group of naturally occurring, fibrous minerals that were used in the past to add strength and longevity to building and insulating materials and provide soundproofing and fire resistance.

Asbestos was used in over 3,000 different building materials. Since 1990, however, use of asbestos has been phased out across Canada based on the negative health impact caused by inhaling asbestos fibres. For information about asbestos and safe practices, refer to WorksafeBC.

The Thompson-Nicola Regional District follows specific safety protocols for managing known asbestos-containing materials at our landfill sites. Asbestos waste is a hazardous material and must never be included in your household garbage.

Renovations to a home or building constructed before 1990: The TNRD recommends anyone planning renovations to a home or building constructed prior to 1990 hire a qualified professional to conduct a hazard assessment and test for asbestos.

Important Disposal Information

The following materials are classified as PACM:

  • Gypsum wallboard and mud compound
  • Plaster and plaster board
  • Vinyl flooring and leveling compound
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Cement pipe
  • Stucco and cement siding
  • Spray-applied insulation and attic insulation

Here’s what you need to know:

  • If it was installed, or from a building constructed, before 1990, it will be treated as asbestos containing material – unless a hazard assessment with lab results is provided ahead of time.
  • Asbestos containing material must be double-bagged in 6 mil bags and sealed shut (with tape) prior to arriving at a disposal site.
  • Small residential loads are accepted at Eco-Depots and Landfills (not Transfer Stations).
  • Commercial loads are accepted at landfill only (not Eco-Depots or Transfer Stations).
  • You will be required to sign an Asbestos Declaration and Acknowledgment Form – regardless of the installation/construction date.

The Asbestos Declaration and Acknowledgement Form must be completed and signed prior to disposing of any of the materials listed above.  All loads containing PACM will fall into one of five categories, all of which have specific disposal instructions and restrictions.

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