Paul Lake Waterworks Feasibility Study

Affected Areas: Paul Lake Community Water System customers

Number of Properties: 51


In late 2021, the Paul Lake Waterworks Ltd. requested the TNRD to study what would need to be done if the TNRD takes on ownership of the Paul Lake Water System. 

The Paul Lake Water System was constructed in 1980 as part of a 38-unit condominium development, and later expanded to service 13 lots adjacent to the development. At the time of requesting that the TNRD study whether it could take over ownership, major upgrades were required for the water system to meeting Interior Health drinking water standards.

Feasibility Study

Following the request made by Paul Lake Waterworks Ltd., the TNRD conducted a feasibility study to review the state of all aspects of the existing water system, land tenures, needed improvements and capital upgrades, capital and operating costs, licensing requirements, and financial viability of the system. The feasibility study was completed in the spring of 2024.

TNRD Water System Acquisition Strategy

In October 2018, the TNRD adopted its Water System Acquisition and Sustainability Strategy. The purpose of this Strategy is to help the TNRD effectively manage the community water systems it currently owns, and to help guide the acquisition of additional community water systems. Contents in this Strategy are applicable to the TNRD’s potential involvement with the Paul Lake Water System.

It should be noted that the TNRD has no objective to acquire additional Community Water Systems. Rather, this Strategy sets a consistent approach when requests are made by communities for the TNRD to assess whether it could take over a Community Water System.

Public Consultation

Community Meeting

When: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Where: Harper Mountain Lodge (2580 Harper Mountain Rd)

Following the request by the Paul Lake Waterworks District to look into the possibility of the TNRD acquiring the Paul Lake Waterworks System, a feasibility study is now complete. At this meeting, the study will be reviewed and there will be a question-and-answer opportunity. A survey will also be available at the meeting, and online, for residents to share their thoughts.

Public Survey

Stay tuned for a public survey to uploaded to this webpage when available, following the Community Meeting.


TNRD Utility Services
Tel.: 250-377-6284

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