Accessibility Feedback Form

Accessibility Feedback

The TNRD values your input on accessibility, barriers you have faced using our physical and digital spaces, what we have done well, or what we could improve on to ensure our spaces are accessible for everyone. We encourage you to submit your feedback using our Accessibility Feedback Form.

Your feedback will be forwarded to appropriate staff departments, and shared with the TNRD Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

View: TNRD Privacy Notice

What type of feedback would you like to provide? Select one of the options below.

General Feedback on TNRD Accessibility

Report an Accessibility Issue

Where did you experience an accessibility issue within a TNRD physical or digital space?
Which library were you visiting?
Which mobile library stop were you visiting?
Which Eco-Depot or Transfer Station were you visiting?
Which TNRD parks or trail were you visiting?
Which TNRD Community Hall were you visiting?
Which TNRD Cemetery were you visiting?
Which TNRD Fire Hall were you visiting?
Which website were you using?

Maximum file size: 512MB

The TNRD Accessibility Plan is expected to be approved in 2024. At this time, the Plan will be publicly available on the TNRD website or by paper copy. The TNRD will be accepting feedback about the Plan once it is publicly released, and encourages feedback on general accessibility at any time.

Contact Information (optional)

Would you like the TNRD to contact you to follow up on your feedback?
Are you an:
Privacy Notice

Your contact information and mailing address are being collected by the TNRD under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), for the purpose of processing your order for Mandatory Recyclable Materials Bylaw resources. The TNRD will protect your information from unauthorized use or disclosure in accordance with FIPPA and our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.

Contact Person

If you have questions regarding the collection and handling of personal information, please contact:

Kara Wright, Information and Privacy Coordinator, TNRD Corporate and Legislative Services
Phone: 250 377-6281
Mail: 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2A9

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